We help students navigate education. We provide rankings of schools and programs, strategies for academic success, and resources (such as financial aid information).
We research, analyze, and find the best schools for students in our school and degree program rankings. We have developed a database of online programs available at all colleges and universities in the U.S.
We have created a way to make objective rankings for online degree programs and colleges by using the data at the National Center for Education Statistics and the academic influence of colleges' faculty and alumni in publications.
Press at Successful Student
Colleges and universities that have featured our articles include:
Successful Student in media:
- A Baseline of Development, Higher Education and Technology, edited by Darrel W. Staat, published by Rowman and Littlefield: an imprint of The Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. (The citation is for our ranking of The 20 Best Drone Training Colleges).
- Wikipedia
- The Institution of Engineering and Technology
- The Odyssey Online
- Mainline Times and Suburban
Jacob Akins, President

Jake graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Texas at Arlington, and went to graduate school at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. Jake also manages TheSeminaryStudent.com.
Jake has a particular interest in the philosophy of science.

Author of "C. S. Lewis and the Medieval Mind" in the book The Magician's Twin: C. S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society (Sponsored). Editor, John West.
Published by Discovery Institute Press, 2012.
This book is a collection of essays from different authors who explore the writings and thought life of C. S. Lewis on science, evolution, scientific origins and revolutions, and the philosophy of scientism.
The essays explore the origin of science, the medieval worldview that informed the formation of the scientific enterprise, how science should be properly considered (historically and philosophically), and the impact of scientism on modern western society.

Lectures on Natural Theology (Sponsored) by Thomas Reid.
Published by Erasmus Press in 2020.
This book was transcribed from lecture notes that were written during the 1779-1780 academic year at the University of Glasgow, where Thomas Reid delivered lectures on natural theology.
Thomas Reid is known as a Scottish "Common Sense" philosopher.
Natural Theology is the study of patterns, design, and purposefulness in nature, best explained by an intelligence, such as a divine creator.