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How to Make Chat GPT Content Undetectable

Chat GPT

If you're a student, it's best to write your own papers and other kinds of content. Let me say this right up front. However, I'm not saying there is no utility in using AI text generators, because I think there is.

The knowledge base that AI systems are trained on is vast, and can add important information to their answers to even very complex questions. The text written by Chat GPT can be an enhancement to your original content. (For students, always follow the guidance of your professors in this regard).

If you're a student, using text generated entirely by Chat GPT as your own content is a bad idea. AI detection softwares are already good and improving, and some, such as Originality.ai (sponsored) are very accurate at detecting AI-generated text.

I've tried Chat GPT Zero with three different texts:

  1. the first was written by an AI, and Chat GPT Zero recognized it as written exclusively by AI (100% AI generated text). So that's all good.
  2. the second text was the first seven verses of the King James Bible (Genesis 1:1-7), which got the result "Your text has a moderate likelihood of being written by AI". This is an obvious false positive.
  3. the third text I wrote myself, which got the result of "Your text may include parts written by AI".

The point is that false positives are a real problem when these AI detectors try to make sense of human or artificially generated text. College students have wrongly been accused by their professors of using AI generators on papers that were written by the students, because an AI content checker gave false positives, and the students run the risk of their professors believing the AI content checkers more than they do their own students.

If you do use Chat GPT as an enhancement to your writing style and to fill in your own gaps of knowledge, there is a way to have text written by Chat GPT to pass Originality.ai's artificial intelligence content detection (in many cases).

This advice is not 100% foolproof. You need to have all editions of your content always checked against Originality.ai's detection capabilities. The strategy below may need some tweaking in its degree of implementation to get the desired outcome of good quality content that passes AI generative text detection.

How to Make Chat GPT Content Undetectable

There are three main components to getting Chat GPT to write human-like content that will be more likely to pass AI content checkers.

1. Tell Chat GPT to increase its 'burstiness'

What is bustiness? According to Chat GPT:

Burstiness refers to a pattern in data or language where events occur in short, irregular bursts or clusters rather than being evenly distributed over time or space. In other words, there are periods of high activity followed by periods of low activity.

Burstiness can be used in various fields, such as:

  1. Network Traffic Analysis: In network traffic analysis, burstiness can help detect and analyze sudden spikes in network activity, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
  2. Social Media Analysis: In social media analysis, burstiness can help identify topics that generate sudden bursts of activity, such as trending topics or viral content.
  3. Natural Language Processing: In natural language processing, burstiness can be used to generate more diverse and interesting language models by introducing more variability in the generated text.

Overall, understanding and utilizing burstiness can help us identify and analyze patterns in data or language that might otherwise go unnoticed.


2. Tell Chat GPT to increase its 'perplexity'

What is perplexity? According to Chat GPT:

Perplexity is a measurement of how well a language model is able to predict a sequence of words or tokens. It is commonly used to evaluate the performance of natural language processing models, particularly in tasks like language modeling, machine translation, and speech recognition.

Perplexity is calculated based on the probability distribution generated by the language model for a given sequence of words. A lower perplexity score indicates that the model is better at predicting the next word in the sequence.

Perplexity can be used to compare different language models and choose the one that performs better on a given task. It can also be used to fine-tune the parameters of a language model, such as the learning rate, to improve its performance.

For example, if we are building a language model to generate text, we can use perplexity to evaluate the model's ability to predict the next word in a given sequence. We can then adjust the model's parameters and re-evaluate the perplexity score to see if the changes have improved the model's performance.

Overall, perplexity is a useful tool for evaluating and improving the accuracy of natural language processing models.


3. Tell Chat GPT to raise its 'temperature'

What is Chat GPT's temperature? According to Chat GPT:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I don't actually have a "temperature" in the traditional sense. However, "temperature" is a hyperparameter that can be applied to a language model like me to control the level of randomness and creativity in the text generated by the model.

When generating text, a language model like me assigns a probability distribution to each possible next word based on the input it has received. The temperature hyperparameter controls the shape of this probability distribution. A higher temperature leads to a more diverse and creative output, while a lower temperature leads to more conservative and predictable output.

When the temperature is set to a high value, the model is more likely to generate unusual and creative responses. However, this can also result in errors or nonsensical output. On the other hand, a low temperature can result in more accurate responses, but they may also be less interesting or imaginative.

The choice of temperature depends on the task and the desired output. For example, a high temperature might be desirable for creative writing or generating novel ideas, while a lower temperature might be better for more technical writing or generating responses to specific prompts.

In summary, temperature is a hyperparameter that controls the level of randomness and creativity in the output generated by a language model like me. The appropriate temperature setting depends on the specific task and desired output.


So what is Chat GPT's temperature, and what can it be set to?:

As an AI language model, my temperature can be set to a wide range of values. The default temperature value depends on the specific implementation of the model, but it is typically set to 1.0.

The range of temperature values is usually between 0 and infinity, although in practice, the effective range is typically between 0 and 1. Higher temperature values lead to more random and diverse output, while lower values lead to more conservative and predictable output.

Some implementations may use a different range of temperature values, or even allow for dynamic adjustment of the temperature during text generation. However, the basic principle remains the same: temperature is a hyperparameter that controls the level of randomness and creativity in the output generated by the language model.


You'll want to include all three criteria into your prompts. You can say something like "write an introduction to an essay, with an increase in your burstiness, perplexity, and temperature above your normal or default settings".

From my limited understanding of how AI detectors detect AI generated text, they check the complexity, length, and uniformity of the text. AI generated text tends to be similar in length, and similar in complexity, whereas human writing tends to be mixed, with long and complex sentences followed by short and simple sentences.

Online college student

A word of warning:

Chat GPT can go-off-the rails with the content that it generates with these three changes included in a prompt. Here's an example of what happened when I gave the following prompt:

"Are online degrees in Finance worth it? Please write the answer in a style that incorporates more burstiness, perplexity, and at a higher temperature than your default writing style."

And here was its response:

Hey there, buddy! So, you're thinking about whether an online finance degree is worth the hype, eh? Well, let me tell you, it's a tough nut to crack! It all depends on your specific circumstances and goals - it's a real head-scratcher! Here are some factors to chew on:

  1. Reputation of the Institution: Now, this one's a real doozy! The reputation of the institution offering the online finance degree matters a whole heck of a lot! You gotta make sure you're getting your degree from a place that's the bee's knees, you know what I mean?
  2. Accreditation: This one can be a real head-scratcher, but it's important to make sure the program you choose is accredited by a reputable accreditation body. This ensures that the program meets certain academic standards and that the degree will be recognized by employers. Ain't that a real head-scratcher?
  3. Career Goals: This one's a real head-scratcher! You gotta think real hard about your career goals before pursuing an online finance degree. If you wanna work in finance, then an online finance degree could be just what the doctor ordered! But, if you plan to pursue a career in academia or research, you may need to consider a traditional degree program that offers more research opportunities and face-to-face interaction with faculty. Ain't that a real head-scratcher?
  4. Flexibility: Now, this one's a real game-changer! Online finance degrees offer greater flexibility than traditional programs, which is a major advantage for those who work full-time or have other commitments. This makes it easier for students to balance their studies with work or family responsibilities. Ain't that a real game-changer?
  5. Cost: Now, this one's a real doozy! Online finance degrees can be less expensive than traditional degrees because you save on expenses like room and board. However, the cost of an online finance degree can still be a pretty penny, so it's important to consider the return on investment. Ain't that a real doozy?

In summary, if you choose a reputable institution with a well-regarded online finance degree program that meets your career goals, an online finance degree can be a real game-changer! But, you gotta make sure you weigh the pros and cons and consider the cost, reputation, and accreditation of the program before making a decision. Ain't that a real head-scratcher?


This passed the originality checker with a score of 95% original and human in origin (5% AI generated). But the problem is that this kind of writing won't be taken seriously.

So I asked it to tone down the three levels mentioned above, and rewrite the content. And this was the response:

Greetings, my friend! So, it appears you are contemplating the worthiness of obtaining an online finance degree, eh? Well, let me tell you, it's a tough nut to crack! The decision is dependent on numerous circumstances and goals - it's a real head-scratcher! Here are some factors to chew on:

First and foremost, the reputation of the institution offering the online finance degree is a real doozy! It's vital to ensure you're acquiring your degree from a top-notch establishment.

Additionally, the accreditation of the program can be a real head-scratcher, but it's necessary to verify that the program you choose is accredited by a reputable accreditation body. This ensures that the program adheres to specific academic standards and that the degree will be recognized by employers.

Your career goals are another real head-scratcher! You must contemplate your career aspirations before pursuing an online finance degree. If you're aiming to work in finance, an online finance degree could be the right fit. Still, if you plan to pursue a career in academia or research, you may need to consider a traditional degree program that offers more research opportunities and face-to-face interaction with faculty.

One of the real game-changers is flexibility! Online finance degrees offer greater flexibility than traditional programs, which is a major advantage for those who work full-time or have other commitments. This makes it easier for students to balance their studies with work or family responsibilities.

Finally, the cost of an online finance degree can be a real doozy! Although online finance degrees can be less expensive than traditional degrees, it's crucial to consider the return on investment.

In summary, if you choose a well-reputed institution with an outstanding online finance degree program that aligns with your career goals, an online finance degree can be a real game-changer! But, you must weigh the pros and cons and consider the cost, reputation, and accreditation.


This scored 100% original at Originality.ai. But some of this text needs to be rewritten to not be so much like slang. As I said earlier, you don't want to cut and paste Chat GPT's work and try to pass it off as your own, whether you're a student or write content for a website. But you can extract the value in the text written by Chat GPT above, which can be an enhancement to your own writing.

How to check the originality of your work

A good originality content checker, as mentioned above, is Originality.ai (sponsored). (We are an affiliate of Originality.ai, and make a small commission to anyone who signs up to their service using our link). Even though we are an affiliate, their service is very accurate in detecting AI generated writing.

I've seen videos, for example on Facebook, that claim that Quillbot can rephrase text generated by Chat GPT to pass as human in origin. Anytime that I have tried this test, Quillbot's rephrased content has failed when checked in Originality.ai. Quillbot's rephrased content may pass other originality checkers, but in my experience it still gets deemed as AI generated content when checked at Originality.ai. Originality.ai is also very inexpensive. You can scan 100 words for 1¢ ($0.01).

Also, Originality.ai has a function to check for plagiarism. You can check for originality by itself, plagiarism by itself, or both at the same time (but each function is $0.01, so if you run both the originality checker and the plagiarism checker at the same time, you're getting charged $0.02 per every 100 words that are being scanned).

According to their website, their success rate for accurately detecting AI generated content is 94%.

If you are a student, you can assume that your papers will be checked by something like Originality.ai. If you can get ahead of this and pass the originality check and plagiarism check, chances are better than your content will be deemed original to you.

I've heard it said that a school administrator or teacher can take any content and paste it into Chat GPT, and ask if Chat GPT wrote it. I don't know if this is something to be concerned about, because I don't know if it's true, or if true, how long Chat GPT keeps conversations in its memory (possibly indefinitely). This is perhaps another reason not to copy and paste content from Chat GPT as your own. Copying any content written by an AI and passing it off as your own is considered plagiarism.

To be clear, you should always write your own content (which is how you learn, and demonstrate your competencies). It is, nevertheless, a good idea to check your work against an AI text generator detector to head off any trouble down the road if you're using any part of AI generated text as an enhancement.

You'd hate for your work to generate a false positive and get dinged for being generated by an artificial intelligence, which is a possibility (some human written content does get deemed as being AI in origin).

If you're a website buyer, you can have Originality.ai check a website at large for any AI generated content. This would presumably play into the originality of a site's content and its value.

Originality.ai is also valuable for checking the writing of any content writers and their work. I've seen at least one video on Facebook of a "side-hustle" advising people to get hired as a content writer and have Chat GPT do their writing for them, and pass off the AI generated content as their own original writing.

This is terrible advice, and could actually cause damage to the website where the hired writing will be published. Google can penalize a site that uses AI generated content. Here is a good article that covers the relevant points concerning Google and AI generated content.

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