Successful Student's contributing author Sophia Anderson has compiled 10 Online Skills for Career Advancement that are valuable for current students and people already in the workforce.
It's essential, especially if you aim to become an expert not just in your field, but the jack-of-all-trades, such as speaking several languages, becoming a computer whiz, and plenty of other skills that make for a successful career today. But to be a successful career strategist through education, it's important to develop the characteristics of successful students.
In this fast-paced society, sometimes it can be hard to find time to improve your online abilities. This is one of the main reasons why so many online courses and websites emerged—to help you master your skills at home, and be successful in the competitive job market. Keep on reading to find out which skills you can master online.
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10 Online Skills for Career Advancement
1. Learn to Code
So you're not a programmer, but that doesn't mean you can't learn the basics, add this skill to your arsenal, and learn things such as how to edit your own website. Not only are you going to stand out, but you're going to be able to create opportunities for yourself with coding knowledge. If you want to give coding a try, visit Code Avengers or Code School and open your mind to the world of programming that opens many doors. See our ranking of the best coding bootcamps.
2. Data Scraping
Now that you're finished with coding classes, it's the perfect time to learn about data scraping. If you further develop your knowledge on a certain issue, you can mine data and dig up information that's very useful to others that don't know how to get to this information. You can try out the Udemy course and Data Mining with R: Go from Beginner to Advanced! to add data scraping to your resume.
3. Statistics and Analytics
Courses on websites such as EdX enable you to grasp the basics of statistics and analysis, even though it might seem like the most difficult or irrelevant task in the world. But, if you're going to be starting a business, or joining one where it's required to constantly measure and reevaluate results, you're going to need to gain that knowledge.
4. Learn Social Media Marketing
Sometimes, it seems the world would stop spinning without social media. As it has become a very crucial part of every business, take some time to attend a few marketing courses. You can take the time to learn how to promote a business, website, blog, and even establish a business through branding in Social Media Marketing degrees.
5. Brush Up on Writing Skills
Good writing skills can help your career. Amazing writing skills can get you places you've always dreamed of going. As writing is a part of everyone's daily routine, it's essential that you're constantly improving it.
We highly recommend going for one of the Online Writing Courses or visiting Essaysontime if you need help with your writing.
6. Improve Leadership Skills
Leadership is one of those skills that has been talked about in all articles, blogs and even the news lately. It's more important to future and current employers than your knowledge and skills. If you feel like you lack confidence and leadership, make sure to attend an online course at Coursera and learn to take charge. Pursuing a master's degree in Organizational Leadership may be the direction you want to take in college.
7. Develop Communication Skills
The online world is a great place to develop your communication skills, and we all know how important they are in today's business world. Face-to-face communication is a significant part of everyday life as well, and with so many meetings, presentations, interviews and promotions you're required to go through, why not improve your communication in a couple of clicks.
8. Develop Time Management Habits
You can never have enough time. Learn to manage your time. With so many obligations, daily, weekly or monthly tasks, you need to learn how to manage your time efficiently, so you're not constantly under pressure or forgetting things. If you're a complete newbie when time management is concerned, give My Time Management and Time Management Course a try, and you'll learn how to use all the time that you have, only better.
9. Acquire a New Language
Learning a new language, any language for that matter, is always a good idea. It looks great on your resume, and you never know what new doors it can open for you. With a large variety of websites to start from online, it's difficult to choose which one is the best if you really want to immerse yourself in the world of another language.
We recommend trying out Duolingo and ITalki, because you can work on your language skills through writing, practicing and reading, without ever actually leaving your room.
10. Learn to Speed Read
In order to develop and improve faster, you need to learn how to read fast. Luckily, Spreeder and Spritzlet will teach you how to speed-read. This is quite helpful, as you are able to cut-down on the time you spend reading, and focus on actually putting your knowledge into practice.
You be the judge, but with so many opportunities to improve right from your own home, why not take the bull by the horns and make your resume the best it can be?