The Best Online Degrees To Get For Careers
- Business Administration
- Communication
- Aviation
- Computer Science
- Engineering & Engineering Management
- Game Design
- Environmental Science
- Finance
- Industrial Organizational Psychology
- Marketing
- Nurse Practitioner
- Human Resources
- Economics
- Cybersecurity
- Healthcare Administration
- Data Science
- Animation and Graphic Design
- Project Management
- Accounting
- Criminal Justice
The 20 best online degrees to get for careers is a list of online degree subjects that can potentially lead to jobs with high salaries, as compared to national average salaries. This list has been updated for 2024. These subjects are ranked from highest to lowest in salary potential. We use data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and other salary aggregators to determine the average salaries and growth rates of these careers.
Graduates who have a bachelor's degree earn an estimated $2.8 million dollars over the course of their lifetime according to Georgetown University. Whereas high school graduates with no college degree earn an average of $1.5 million over their lifetime. This means that, on average, people who have a bachelor's degree earn $1.3 million more in their lifetime. This equates to earning $32,500 more per year.
As high-paying new career fields emerge, such as Machine Learning Engineer or Blockchain Developer, we include them. As such, we research and update this list of the best online degrees to get every year.
Many of these subjects can qualify graduates for a variety of different (but related) careers within the same field. For example, an online bachelor's in Business Administration, Finance, or Criminal Justice can potentially lead to a variety of different careers within their respective fields. Because of this, we have included a table that shows the potential career fields and their salaries.
These 20 degree programs focus mostly on online bachelor's programs. The two exceptions are Nurse Practitioner and Industrial and Organizational Psychology, which require online master's degrees.
A degree in Business could potentially lead to a career in Human Resources, for example. But if Human Resources is its own online degree subject, we list it separately from Business. So Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, and Accounting are listed as separate degree fields, even though they're business-related in their potential career fields.
When thinking about which online degree to choose, consider what subject you actually want to study. Studies show that students who choose the major subject that they are genuinely interested in learning often do better in school.
The 20 Best Online Degrees To Get For Careers
1. Business Administration

Career Fields | Average Salary |
Chief Financial Officer* | $444,404 |
Compensation and Benefits Managers | $136,380 |
Training and Development Managers | $125,040 |
Sources: *, BLS |
The following career fields are only a few that are potentially possible with a bachelor's in Business Administration (BBA).
Chief Financial Officers need at least a bachelor's degree in Business or Finance, and positions usually require experience. They are responsible for guiding the financial direction of a company, which includes investing, tax deduction opportunities, and budgeting for the business, among other duties.
An online bachelor's in business administration with a concentration in finance might be an ideal degree for working in this field. Getting a master's, such as an MBA, could also provide a competitive advantage.
Compensation and Benefits Managers set the salary compensation and benefits that employees receive for companies.
Training and Development Managers create ways to teach the employees of businesses. They develop ways to make the employees more skilled and proficient to increase their productivity and the profitability of the company.
More students attending online Business schools than any other subject. Business Administration is ranked as the best online degree to get because of the high salary potential, and the many specialization options.
A Bachelor's of Business Administration (BBA), or a specialized Business degree, is often the minimum required to work in many professional businesses. It depends on the position.
A bachelor's degree in Business Administration usually requires 120 credit hours (which includes an associate's degree at 60 credits). However, there are fast online bachelor's degrees in business, some of which can be completed in 18 months.
These programs provide in-depth studies of the fundamentals and best practices of how businesses form and operate.
2. Communication

Communication Careers | Average Median Salary |
Communications Executives* | $233,936 |
Communicatons Directors* | $187,743 |
Public Relations and Fundraising Managers | $130,480 |
Communications Managers* | $126,920 |
Sources: *, BLS |
Communication may prepare online learners for a variety of career options. Such options include Communications Executives, Communications Directors, Public Relations and Fundraising Managers, Communications Managers, Broadcast Journalists, and Writers.
The minimum degree required is often a bachelor's in Communication. Students with a Master's in Communication Management may have a competitive advantage.
Communications Executives are also known as Chief Communication Officers, and are part of the c-suite of executives at companies. In short, the duties include crafting and managing the external and internal communication of companies to manage and promote the product or brand.
Communications Directors coordinate and manage the internal and external messaging as well, and are involved in the communication behind promotional and ad campaigns of businesses. These Directors report back to the executives within their organizations.
Public Relations and Fundraising Managers are in the business of raising money for companies or organizations. These may be private or public, for profit or nonprofit. Public Relations and Fundraising Managers write press releases, make and maintain relationships with donors and philanthropists, and raise awareness.
Online programs in Communication are like other online programs. Students take basic level and then major level coursework. The first two years are spent taking basic courses. The second two years are dedicated to major courses in Communication and electives.
Communication coursework consists of classes such as:
- Mass Media
- Broadcast Journalism
- Organizational Communication
- Interpersonal and Group Communication
3. Aviation

Career Field | Average Salary |
Airline and Commercial Pilots | $171,210 |
An Airline Pilot is one of the highest paying careers with a minimum of a bachelor's degree.
A minimum of a bachelor's degree, and a pilot's license, is often required to fly for commercial airlines. However, there are positions, such as private pilots, that don't require a bachelor's degree. What is required at all levels of flying is a pilot's license.
Colleges and Universities across the U.S. offer bachelor's degrees in Aviation online. Aviation and Professional Pilot bachelor's degrees usually require 120 credit hours. Online degree options teach the basic courses in the two first two years of study.
Online learners take the upper level Aviation major courses and electives for the second two years of study.
To be a pilot, a commercial pilot's license is required from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). To become a commercial airline pilot, the minimum education requirement is often a bachelor's degree and a pilot's license. Some colleges and universities offer pilot training as part of their bachelor's degree program, so that students can get their pilot's license.
Some pilots who fly privately owned charter planes do not need a college degree. To get a pilot's license a high school diploma is often required.
4. Computer Science

Careers | Average Salary |
Computer and Information Systems Managers | $169,510 |
Machine Learning Egineer* | $161,425 |
Computer Network Architects | $129,840 |
Software Developers | $130,160 |
Blockchain Developer** | $111,845 |
Source: *, **ZipRecruiter, BLS |
With the information age, big tech and big data, companies are increasingly in need of Computer Scientists. There are more tech-oriented companies being created than ever before. Almost every domain of life is now subject to the internet and modern technology.
Computer scientists are at the forefront of almost all established and emerging technology fields. Across the board in Computer Science, the compensation is generous for both entry-level and management positions. The highest salaries are predominantly in management positions. The minimum degree required is often a bachelor's degree.
Online students getting an online bachelor's in Computer Science will learn skills such as coding, programming language, and software development. There are various concentrations that students may choose, depending on what a given online program offers, such as Artificial Intelligence.
These online programs typically consist of 120 credit hours. The first two years are spent completing basic classes. The second two years are spent taking Computer Science major courses and electives. Typical employment requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree. There are related degrees in subjects such as software development.
Some colleges offer accelerated programs as well, which can be completed in 18 to 36 months.
Artificial Intelligence:
Two online programs that are growing at online colleges and universities, and are in high demand in the workplace is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). AI and ML are sub-disciplines of Computer Science, and often involve Data Science. Healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing industries are a few industries now using AI.
Artificial Intelligence is the science of making machines that can think, understand, solve problems, and make predictions. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence specializations are available as online programs at the undergrad and graduate levels. Accredited online degree programs prepare students to build learning models and test them to determine their capabilities.
Machine Learning:
Machine Learning Engineers work with data scientists to make learning models to use with big data sets. These models make predictions and help with business decisions. Machine Learning Engineer is one of the fastest growing careers fields. There are Machine Learning online programs within Computer Science programs and within Data Science programs.
Blockchain Developer:
Another increasingly popular and in-demand career field is Blockchain Developer. Blockchain is used as a peer-to-peer perpetual digital ledger. The blockchain works by creating and attaching discreet blocks of information together as the ledger entries update.
Blockchains can be public or private, decentralized, and basically tamper-proof. Many businesses are hiring Blockchain Developers for private enterprise purposes.
5. Engineering & Engineering Management

Career Fields | Average Salary |
Architectural and Engineering Managers | $165,370 |
Source: BLS |
Engineering and Engineering Management are related, and sometimes the same degree. For example, Arizona State University offers the online Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Engineering Management degree. This program teaches engineering technical skills along with business and management principles.
Engineering Managers lead teams towards the completion of large scale projects by deadlines. To work as an Engineering Manager, a bachelor's degree in Engineering is often required.
The pathway to working as an Architectural and Engineering Manager is to first get a bachelor's degree in Engineering or Architecture, or Engineering Management that focuses on one of these disciplines. Work experience in management or engineering may be required. Though a bachelor's is the minimum degree required, a master's in Engineering, or Engineering Management, can potentially give candidates a competitive advantage.
These positions involve the managerial aspects of architectural or engineering projects. These duties include setting dates, managing employees and delegating tasks, overseeing budgets, and other managerial tasks.
6. Game Design

Career Field | Average Salary |
Game Designer | $149,118 |
Source: ZipRecruiter |
For students who aspire to create games, Video Game Design is one of the broadest and most varied of our online degree programs.
For students who want to pursue technical development, a Game Design or Game Development degree is the way to go. These online bachelor's programs are often Bachelor's of Science degrees. For Game Art and Animation, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Game Art, Graphic Design, or Animation are options.
As with most bachelor's degrees, the first two years are spent on basic courses. During the second two years students will take major courses in Game Design or Game Art, and electives.
Bachelor of Science degrees in Game Design or Game Development teach students how to code and use programming languages. These degrees are more like Computer Science degrees.
A Bachelor of Arts degree in a subject such as Game Art or Game Animation teaches students the artistic side of game creation. These degrees are focused on creating 2D or 3D animation, character development, atmosphere and design settings.
For most professional Game Design or Game Art careers, a minimum of a bachelor's degree is required, and possibly a portfolio of works showcasing the prospective employee's talent.
7. Environmental Science

Career Fields | Average Median Salary |
Natural Sciences Managers | $144,440 |
Environmental Engineers | $96,530 |
Geoscientists | $87,480 |
Environmental Scientists and Specialists | $76,480 |
Source: BLS |
With the ever increasing need to conserve energy and protect the environment, an Environmental Science jobs are in demand.
Environmental scientists can work with government agencies or private businesses to reduce waste, clean polluted areas, and even advise policy makers. Natural Sciences Managers, Foresters, Geoscientists, and Biologists are also occupations that can come from a degree in Environmental Science.
This subject has many opportunities and subfields to study Environmental Science and related bachelor's programs, including Sustainable and Renewable Energy and Environmental Conservation. It would be prudent to decide in which career field you want to work to see which degree to pursue.
8. Finance

Career Fields | Average Median Salary |
Financial Managers | $139,790 |
Financial Analysts | $96,220 |
Personal Financial Advisors | $95,390 |
Financial Examiners | $82,210 |
Source: BLS |
Finance has stability in today's job market. An online bachelor's in Finance can teach online students the fundamentals and the different practices and applications of how to invest money.
The online degree is typically 120 hours long, which includes the basic courses of a bachelor's degree for the first two years, and then the second two years are spent on upper level finance major courses and electives.
Online bachelor's degrees in Finance can potentially open doors to working in different capacities in finance. Finance careers may involve working with families as a Personal Financial Advisor or Certified Financial Planner, or with companies as a Financial Manager. Financial Advisor positions don't require certification. A minimum of a bachelor's degree is often preferred.
Certified Financial Planners require two things: a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university, and passing the certification test from the Certified Financial Planner Board. This test is offered in March, July, and November each year.
Some online programs in Finance do offer a concentration in Certified Financial Planning, such as the online Bachelor of Science in Finance: Financial Planning degree.
Graduates who have completed (or are enrolled) in a bachelor's degree may take the Certified Financial Planner Board certification test. The bachelor's degree may also be in other subjects (a Finance degree in particular isn't a requirement). If enrolled at the time of taking the exam, your bachelor's degree must be completed within five years of taking the exam.
Financial Managers handle the investments and future financial goals of businesses. As such these positions are often vital to the health and bottom line of companies.
Financial Managers estimated growth rate is 16% (much higher than the average occupation, which is 4%).
9. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Career Field | Average Salary |
Industrial and Organizational Psychologists | $139,280 |
Source: BLS |
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IO Psychology), also known as Organizational Psychology, incorporates both psychology and business together.
It applies psychology to how business is conducted, with the aim of improving profitability and worker satisfaction and longevity. IO Psychology takes into account human psychology in improving the efficiency and productivity of business and practices.
This field is one of the fastest growing occupations in America. Organizational and Industrial Psychologists are hired either as in-house employees or as outside consultants.
The strong appeal of employers hiring IO Psychologists is due to their expertise in helping companies produce a better workplace. This includes increasing productivity, hiring better employees, decrease turnover, and creating higher efficiency. The net effect results in smaller labor costs and higher profits.
An online bachelor's in IO Psychology teaches students fundamentals of business and psychology. This degree is a Psychology-oriented degree. Students learn to use psychological methods to improve businesses.
Typical bachelor's in IO Psychology are 120 credit hours and take four years to complete. The first two years consist of basic courses, and the second two years consist of major courses and electives.
An online Industrial Organizational Psychology graduate degree is the usual minimum degree required by companies. A master's degree consists of approximately 36 credit hours. The typical program can be completed in two years (perhaps sooner depending on the program).
Online master's students learn more in-depth psychological best practices and more detailed measurement techniques. Some programs focus on research using behavioral models and data, whereas other research focuses on statistical models and numerical data.
10. Marketing

Marketing Careers | Average Salary |
Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers | $138,730 |
Market Research Analysts | $68,230 |
Source: BLS |
Marketing combines creativity, research, and savvy business skills. Marketing students learn best practices for marketing in a variety of platforms, such as social media, television, and internet marketing. The highest paid position within Marketing is Marketing Manager, according to the BLS.
A growing field of marketing is Social Media Marketing. Online colleges are increasingly offering Social Media Marketing degrees.
Online Marketing bachelor's programs consist of 120 credit hours typically. The first half (two years) is spent taking basic courses. In the second half, marketing majors take classes on marketing major courses and electives. Marketing degrees are often within Business departments.
Students often have various concentrations from which to choose, such as Social Media or Digital Marketing. A minimum of a bachelor's degree is usually required for employment at marketing firms.
An online master's degree in Marketing usually takes two years to complete. Having a bachelor's degree is a requirement for admission. These prepare students to perform tasks like how to determine, budget, track, and analyze a marketing campaign's success or failure.
11. Nurse Practitioner

Career Field | Average Salary |
Nurse Practitioner | $125,900 |
Source: BLS |
Nurse Practitioners are one of the highest payed career fields among all online master's programs. This position also has one of the highest growth rates of all career options available with an online degree.
The typical minimum degree required is a master's degree. Online Nurse Practitioner graduate degrees are available from colleges and universities across the US.
Most Nurse Practitioners work in Family Practice. Some online master's degrees focus on Family Nurse Practitioner in particular.
Certification is required to practice. Online Nurse Practitioner master's degree programs will likely require that applicants already be a Registered Nurse before applying.
12. Human Resources

Career Field | Average Salary |
Human Resources Managers | $130,000 |
Human Resources Specialists | $64,240 |
People who specialize in Human Resources need to both attract and train productive employees, and keep them satisfied. They need to understand salaries, benefits packages, training programs, recruiting, and how to assist employees.
This field combines an awareness of new technology, interpersonal skills, and a lot of common sense. Graduates can usually enter the Human Resources profession with a bachelor's.
Students taking an online bachelor's degree in Human Resource Management spend the first two years completing basic online courses. The second two years are spent taking upper level courses and electives. Online students will take courses such as:
- Applying Leadership Principles
- Organizational Development
- Principles of Management
- Employee and Labor Relations
13. Economics

Career Field | Average Salary |
Economist | $113,940 |
Economists make sense of the economy and the flow of money. They research, evaluate and do statistical analyses on how money is spent and earned domestically and internationally. Economists can have influence on monetary policy for governments, businesses, and non-profits, or any organization that handles money. Economists can make predictions and forecasts of how the economy will react or behave over time.
Economists usually have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in Economics to work for the government at state or federal levels. A master's degree or PhD may be needed for working in the private sector, depending on the particular job.
14. Cybersecurity

Career Field | Average Median Salary |
Information Security Analysts | $112,000 |
Source: BLS |
Cybersecurity experts are in the business of protecting business and government online privacy and data. Information Security Analysts use cyber security to protect the online data and assets of organizations.
Most Cybersecurity professionals have at least a bachelor's degree. However, there are many online bootcamps available, which are less expensive and faster options for students who may not want a full bachelor's degree. There are also online associate's degrees in Cybersecurity available. See our list of available schools at the end of this entry for online degrees and bootcamps.
Students learn programming languages, and how to detect, trace, and protect against hackers. Students also learn how to hack into other systems to detect their system weaknesses (which is known as penetration testing). Students learn valuable skills, such as penetration testing, information assurance, encryption, and how to install firewalls.
The first two years are taking basic courses towards the bachelor's degree. In the second two years students are busy taking Cyber Security major courses and electives. Cyber Security degrees involve learning programming languages such as Python, and also some Big Data analysis, ethical hacking, and penetration testing.
One popular graduate specialization option is the online master's in Information Assurance: Cybersecurity degree. Information Assurance protects data, intellectual property, and assets of governments, businesses, and any other entity that pays for the service of Information Assurance Cybersecurity professionals.
15. Healthcare Administration

Career Field | Average Median Salary |
Medical and Health Services Managers | $110,680 |
Source: BLS |
Healthcare Administrators combine business knowledge with medical and health services. Medical and Health Services Managers manage and coordinate the business at healthcare facilities, which can include doctor's offices, hospitals, and minor emergency clinics.
The highest paying and fastest growing field in Healthcare Administration is Medical and Health Services Managers.
The usual entry-level requirement to be a Medical and Health Services Manager is at least a bachelor's degree.
The growth rate is 29%, much higher than the national average, adding 160,600 positions in the next ten years.
16. Data Science

Careers | Average Salary |
Data Scientists | $108,020 |
Management Analysts | $99,410 |
Operations Research Analyst | $83,640 |
Source: BLS |
Data Science, also known Data Analytics, is a growing field with the advent of big data, making it one of the most sought after online degree programs. Data Science is also known as Business Intelligence when used specifically in business.
Data Scientists take large data sets and analyze them, making them understandable and meaningful.
This information informs things like user behaviors, conversions, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This data is used to understand how to improve business goals and profits.
Governments, non-profits, and businesses all use Data Scientists to help inform their decisions. All the Big Tech companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon use Data Science.
Students getting an online college degree in Data Science will learn how to gather, assimilate and interpret Big Data. One purpose is making business or organizational decisions. The first two years are spent taking the basic courses.
The second two years are spent taking Data Science major courses and electives. These courses involve gathering, analyzing, and interpreting large data sets, and using them in decision-making.
Courses include:
- Analyzing and Modeling Data
- Formulating Problems
- Presenting and Integrating Results into Action
17. Animation and Graphic Design

Career Field | Average Salary |
Special Effects Artists and Animators | $99,060 |
Graphic Designers | $58,910 |
Source: BLS |
The world of art and design meet digital creativity in the areas of Animation and Graphic Design.
Animation and design opportunities are plentiful, as it is necessary for advertising, commercials, social media, websites, or any other avenue that attracts a target audience using graphics. Animation and Graphic design students learn graphic design tools relevant to modern visual arts industries.
Students need to learn how to regularly update their knowledge as new technologies become available. This flexible career has inspired many self-employed workers and entrepreneurs.
Online degree programs in Graphic Design, or Animation are like other bachelor's degrees, usually requiring around 120 credit hours and taking four years to complete.
Major courses teach students how to use state-of-the-art digital tools to make graphic animations. These can include 2D and 3D modeling courses, graphic design for video games, or commercial art.
Working as a Graphic Designer and/or Animator usually requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree.
18. Project Management

Project Management Careers | Average Salary |
Project Management Specialists | $98,580 |
Source: BLS |
Project Management online degrees programs teach a wide variety of skills relevant in many industries.
From improvement in leadership and organizational skills to creative problem solving and time management, this degree has has wide appeal.
The knowledge gained from Project Management programs can be applied to financial services, engineering, design, and many other industries. Responsibilities of Project Managers vary depending on the project and the domain of business.
Project Management can be a business degree specialization.
19. Accounting

Accounting Careers: | Average Median Salary |
Budget Analysts | $84,940 |
Accountants and Auditors | $79,880 |
Source: BLS |
Accounting degrees involve learning the best practices of Accounting for businesses, private organizations, non-profits, and the like. Colleges teach Accounting usually as a Bachelor of Science degree. However, it can also be offered as a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
Students learn how to produce financial accounting documents, how to audit, and learn standard accounting rules.
A typical online bachelor's degree program requires 120 credit hours. Accountants can become CPA's (Certified Public Accountants). A CPA education requires, on average, 30 hours more than a typical bachelor's degree in Accounting. This is 150 credit hours (120 + 30).
Some colleges have a combined bachelor's and master's program designed to meet the 150 hour course load. These are usually five year programs in online learning. A master's is not required to become a CPA.
Each state's Board of Accountancy provides licensure to become a Certified Public Accountant. CPA's must pass a national exam. The majority of states in the U.S. require that CPAs finish 150 semester hours of higher education to become licensed.
20. Criminal Justice

Career Field | Average Median Salary |
Police and Detectives | $74,910 |
Probation Officers & Correctional Treatment Specialists | $61,800 |
Forensic Science Technicians | $64,940 |
Source: | BLS |
A Criminal Justice degree can potentially prepare graduates for a large variety of career options.
Criminal Justice programs teach all aspects of the legal and criminal justice system. Students learn about the inner workings of law enforcement (including learning what police officers and detectives do), corrections, prison and rehabilitation.
Criminal Justice degrees offer many concentration options. For example, Criminology, Forensic Science, Corrections, and many others are available at online schools across the nation.
For many Criminal Justice jobs, a minimum of a bachelor's degree is required. A bachelor's degree may not be required to work as a police officer or detective (it depends on the state). Check with the state in which you want to work for more information about the degree requirements to work in law enforcement as a police officer or detective.
More Resources:
- Online Colleges - A Guide for Students
- The Best Accredited Colleges with Fast Online Degrees
- The Best Degrees for Generation Z
- The Best Online Associate's Degrees for Careers
- The Best STEM Degrees for Careers of the Future
- The Best Online Humanities Degrees for Careers
- The Best Online Universities (Excluding Colleges)
- The Best Online Colleges in America
- What's the Difference Between College and University?
- Financial Aid Guide for Online College Students
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best online college degree to get?
The best online degree to get depends on your career and salary aspirations. To make the most money, the best option may be a Bachelor of Business Administration, which is often a minimum degree to becoming a Chief Executive Officer. Chief Executive Officers are one of the highest paid careers according to, earning $805,107 median annual salary, requiring only a bachelor's in Business Administration. It is certainly one of the highest, if not the highest salary from an online bachelor's degree.
The best online degree to get for a job can be a field that has a high projected growth rate and makes over $100,000 per year. This would include an online bachelor's degree in Computer Science, which has a high growth rate with over 50,000 new jobs projected in the next ten years. Computer Systems Analysts also have an average salary of $103,800 per year.
What is the easiest online degree?
The easiest online degree depends on what you're capabilities are. Different students have different academic strengths and weaknesses. Your college degree is an investment in yourself and lifetime ambitions. You have to do the necessary work whether the degree is easy or not, so make it worth it and learn what you want to learn to take you where you want to go in life. Instead of asking if a degree is easy, the relevant question to academic success is whether the degree is something you're interested in learning.
If you are genuinely interested in what you're studying, this often translates into better grades, as studies have shown. Different online students have different competencies. For one student Mathematics may be the easiest online degree if they're good at math. For other students, a Mathematics degree may be the most difficult. Generally, an online Business Administration degree may be the easiest online degree, given that the specialization options are so varied, that they offer many subjects that can fit with many student's abilities.
From math-oriented degrees such as an online Business Administration degree in Business Intelligence, to a creative-oriented degree type such as the online Business Administration degree in Marketing, a business degree can suit many abilities. The wide variety of specializations in an online Business Administration degree means that the degree can be tailored to students' interests much more readily than other subjects. This is partly why the online Business Administration degree is the most popular online degree. It can potentially also qualify students for such a wide array of business careers that it can be the most versatile for getting a job.
Is getting your degree online worth it?
Yes. There are a few senses in which this question may be asked: Is getting your online degree worth it with respect to having the same credibility and validity as an on-campus degree? Yes. Online students receive the same education in most instances as on-campus students.
Online students who've received their degree(s) online have the same career options before them as on-campus students. Employers generally speaking are perfectly amenable to online degree holders as qualifying for employment.
Is getting your degree online worth it with respect to the cost of online degrees?
Generally speaking the answer is yes. But it also depends on what subject the degree is in, and if that degree subject has viable career prospects for graduates. Prospective online students are encouraged to figure out the Return on Investment, which is a calculation of tuition expense/career choice income return over time, such as a working life time (which is usually about 40 years). There are instances in which online education is less expensive than on-campus, given that on-campus expenses, such as meals, transportation, and dorms aren't incurred.
Will employers respect my online degree?
What employers care about, generally speaking, is whether or not a student completed their degree. Getting an online education is regarded as respectable. The question of whether the degree was obtained on-campus or at one of the many online colleges is often irrelevant. Often the employer will not even be aware that the degree was obtained online.
Obtaining an online education shows employers that students can navigate all that is required, such as passing the many online courses, and fortitude to stick with the academic rigors involved in online learning.
Employers may want to know that the online degree was obtained at a reputable college, and not a for-profit degree-mill kind of college. Make sure that your online college is not-for-profit if this is a concern of yours in choosing your online college to pursue your online degree. There are many reputable and accredited not-for-profit online colleges that offer reputable online degrees.
What are the highest paying online degrees?
The highest paying online college degrees with a bachelor's are in Business Administration, Computer Science, Engineering Management, Marketing, Environmental Science, Aviation, Finance, Communication, Human Resources, Industrial Engineering, Healthcare Administration, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Game Design, Project Management, Accounting, Graphic Design, and Criminal Justice. The highest paying online degrees at the master's level are Nurse Practitioner, Industrial Organizational Psychology, and Medical Science (Physician Assistants).
Which online degree has most value?
The combination of the high earning potential and the many jobs that it can potentially qualify for, means that the online bachelor's in Computer Science is one of the online degrees with the most value. There are a variety of high paying careers for Computer Scientists, along with increasing demand for technical jobs that computer scientists are qualified to obtain. As the intersection of business and the proliferation of the internet and interconnectivity increases, computer science is at the forefront of our modern economy.