Rank | School | Location |
1 | LIM College | New York, New York |
2 | Southern New Hampshire University | Manchester, New Hampshire |
3 | Berkeley College-New York | New York, New York |
4 | Academy of Art University | San Francisco, California |
We have ranked the best online Associate's degrees in Fashion Merchandising in the U.S.
This ranking is designed for students to be informed of college and degree options who want an associate's degree in Fashion Merchandising online.
Our undergraduate rankings are created using a proprietary algorithm.
The factors that make the algorithm are intended to produce a ranking that's best suited for online students, and includes lowest tuition rates and academic prestige.
Our algorithm combines data from the National Center for Education Statistics along with academic publications and citations (academic influence).
See our ranking methodology below for a detailed look at the weights given to each factor.
Start your education in Fashion with an online Associate's degree in Fashion Merchandising. Here are the top Fashion Merchandising schools for getting an online Associate's degree.
We ranked these schools for online students who want to study Fashion Merchandising to make informed college and degree decisions. This degree is the natural choice for students who also want to pursue a bachelor's degree in Fashion Merchandising.
Each school entry shows data for the college at large, such as Acceptance Rate and Graduation Rate. We selected these criteria to make the most comprehensive and objective rankings for students.
See our ranking The Best Online Fashion Merchandising Schools for online bachelor's degree options.
Featured Online Degrees:
The Best Online Associate's Degrees in Fashion Merchandising
Ranking Methodology
This ranking was created using Successful Student's ranking algorithm. This algorithm uses the following data points to calculate a school's ranking placement:
- Acceptance rate
- Graduation rate
- Cost of undergraduate tuition
- Percentage of first time undergraduates awarded aid
- Percentage of students who are fully online
- Academic influence
LIM College
New York, New York

LIM College offers the online Associate of Applied Science in Fashion Merchandising and Management degree program.
- Acceptance Rate: 83%
- Enrollment: 1,749
- Undergrad Students Fully Online: 12%
- Six Year Graduation Rate: 44%
- Retention Rate: 71%
- In State Average Undergraduate Tuition: $26,990
- In State Average Graduate Tuition: $29,250
- First Time Undergraduates Awarded Aid: $90
Southern New Hampshire University
Manchester, New Hampshire

Southern New Hampshire University offers the online Associate of Science in Fashion Merchandising degree program.
- Acceptance Rate: 88%
- Enrollment: 113,514
- Undergrad Students Fully Online: 93%
- Six Year Graduation Rate: 56%
- Retention Rate: 65%
- In State Average Undergraduate Tuition: $30,756
- In State Average Graduate Tuition: $18,810
- First Time Undergraduates Awarded Aid: $77
Berkeley College-New York
New York, New York

Berkeley College offers the online Associate of Applied Science in Fashion Merchandising and Management degree program.
- Acceptance Rate:Not Reported
- Enrollment:2,954
- Undergrad Students Fully Online:23%
- Six Year Graduation Rate:34%
- Retention Rate:69%
- In State Average Undergraduate Tuition:$24,058
- In State Average Graduate Tuition:Not Reported
- First Time Undergraduates Awarded Aid:$98
Academy of Art University
San Francisco, California

Academy of Art University offers the online Associate of Arts in Fashion Visual Merchandising degree program.
Fashion Merchandising Associate Degrees Online:
- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Fashion Designers earn $75,810 per year as the median salary.
- An online Associate in Fashion Merchandising degree may give graduates entry level opportunities in fashion marketing.
- Fashion Merchandising Marketing has many facets and responsibilities. For example, fashion marketing examines consumer behavior. This leads to insightful data for how to best market to the right target consumers.
- Fashion merchandising programs are available in associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees.
- Financial aid is often available to qualifying online students.
- The fashion marketing industry is for students who want a career in fashion.
- Merchandising marketing is a core tenet of the associate's degree instruction.
- Associate's degrees in Fashion Merchandising are offered as an online program at a few colleges in the U.S.
- Community colleges also offer on-campus associate's degrees in Fashion Merchandising.